
Facts and Figures brings together a range of statistics, gleaned from a number of sources, about the people of Devon, their social, employment, and economic circumstances, and the commercial and natural environment in which they live. It is intended to be a starting point for informing the people of Devon and to help researchers, planners, policy makers, commerce and industry in their searches for data.


Where possible the data are drawn directly from national sources, meaning that the latest information is always available.

You can also find information that the council has published as ‘open data’ such as the salaries of senior employees and what we spend money on.  We would also like to know if you think we may have some information that could be really useful if it were made available.  Please leave us your comments on our ‘Opening up our data‘ page.  Also leave a message if you can’t find the information you need – we may be able to point you in the right direction.

The people
Information about the number of people in Devon, their age and characteristics.

The economy
Data about employment, unemployment and the economy.

About the county
Information about the size of the county and its geography

Social issues and deprivation
Figures for indices of deprivation and benefit claimants

Attainment levels for Key Stage 2 and GCSE.

Information about home ownership and the housing market.

Data such as car ownership and how people travel to work

Crime and community safety
The number of crimes committed and incidence of anti-social behaviour

Open data
Information about the running of the council, such as what we spend, senior employees’ salaries, our property and the grants we pay.