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‘Freedom Day’ could be anything but for many

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It’s been dubbed ‘Freedom Day’ – Monday 19 July, when the COVID-19 restrictions will lift and it’s no longer compulsory to wear masks or socially distance.

But for many people, regardless of their age, the prospect of it fills them with dread. Fear that they might catch coronavirus when they’re out of the house, or fear quite simply because we’ve all become used to our personal space and are quite comfortable with it.

It’s difficult to put your finger on it, especially when anxiety can manifest itself in different ways such as irritability, lack of sleep, tearfulness, as well as physical symptoms like stomach problems and headaches.

But it’s a real thing – plenty of people are worried and anxious about the rules changing on Monday 19 July. And that worry and anxiety is not good for you, especially if it stops you from leading your pre-coronavirus life.

What to do? We read an interesting article in Glamour Magazine this month about this issue.  They spoke to an expert in social anxiety at the University of Kent’s School of Psychology. Her coping strategies include:

  • understanding what you are actually ready to do
  • speaking to your loved ones honestly about how you feel.
  • trying not to feel any pressure to rush – take your time and take small steps
  • knowing that you are not on your own as lots of people are feeling the same

The Mind website also has helpful advice about managing your feelings about lockdown easing.

Wherever we are on this spectrum – with fear at one end and delight at the prospect of restrictions ending at the other – know this – most people are pretty good at looking out for each other. And we’ve a tendency to help others in need, most of the time. So in the coming weeks and months, know that others around you may not be feeling ‘free’ or uplifted or optimistic, and help them come through it. Chatting to each other about this will help too!

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