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Month: December 2018

Sarah: working differently in Care Direct Plus Northern

(Short version) By using principles: having a different conversation; making sure we understand what people want and what matters to them; listening to what is important in people’s lives to add value; and being a consistent point on contact.

Sarah: Assessment and Support Planning Team Manager, Care Direct Plus Northern

(Longer version) Sarah gives an example of how we supported a female carer who share a house with an older man.

Dean: Social Care Assessor, Care Direct Plus Northern

By having a different conversation; listening to what is important in people’s lives to add value; and being a consistent point on contact, Dean gives an example of how we supported an older man who lives with his wife.

Supporting people with learning disabilities through technology

Using a simple tablet, the group were supported by Joe to create their own video about “What do I need to remember to take with me to go out for the day?” which is triggered by a QR code that is scanned in the building in an accessible place.

Sarah: crisis management in Care Direct Plus Northern

Sarah – crisis management in Care Direct Plus Northern


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