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Officer Decisions

The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 requires a written record to be made of any decision that has been delegated to an officer of the Council under a specific express authorisation or under any general authorisation where the effect of the decision is “to grant permissions or licences, affect the rights of individuals, award contracts or incur expenditure which materially affects the body’s financial position”.

The Council’s scheme of delegation and schedule of delegated powers can be viewed in Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution.

You can view decisions made by Officers and Heads of Service by selecting from the list below (where no link is available indicates no decisions yet published):

A copy of any written record of decision and supporting papers may be made available for inspection at the Council’s offices or may be sent by post upon payment of charges for copying and postage. If you wish to take up either of these options, please ring 01392 382888 or email


  1. Decisions relating to the safeguarding or protection of an individual or the placement of any child, young person or adult in any educational, social or health care setting are not listed here but may be available for inspection in line with normal practice in such instances
  2. Decisions on applications for common land and town and village greens which are published separately are on the Council’s website at:
  3. Decisions in respect of Traffic Regulation Orders are also available on the website at:
