Top tips: acting on your concerns

If you are concerned about someone’s safety or welfare, or have suspicions that something isn’t right, it is important that you take action.

You can do so through the following means:

If you are uncertain about whether to take action, please consider the following:

  • you do not need to be confident or certain that someone is being exploited – concerns over safety or welfare, or suspicions that something is wrong, are enough grounds for taking action
  • being proactive is key – taking action as quickly as possible will prevent someone from becoming more vulnerable or from experiencing further harm, and will ensure them to receive help quickly
  • it is right, and important, to take appropriate action, even if this seems to be outside of your job role – for example if you are a housing officer whose main role is to assist someone in finding suitable housing, if you have wider concerns about someone’s safety and welfare you should take the initiative in reporting your concerns and, if appropriate, signposting the person to support services
  • remember that everyone has the right to be safe and protected from harm
  • remember that people who are experiencing exploitation may be reluctant to engage with support services – this could be because they fear repercussions of receiving support, do not trust authority figures, fear that they will not be believed, or feel unable to leave the situation. Someone’s reluctance should not prevent you from taking steps to safeguard and support them
  • remember that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.