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St Luke’s Science & Sports College

Contact details

Harts Lane
EX1 3RD see on map
Headteacher / Principal
Mr Mark Pinchin


School details

DfE number
School sector
Type of school
Voluntary Controlled School
Local learning community

Admissions details

Number on roll
January 2017
January 2018
Places offered for admission in
September 2017
September 2018
Appeals for admission in
September 2017
September 2018
Published Admission Number


  • Oversubscription Criteria 2018-19
    A) Up to 19 places (that is, 10% of the PAN of 196) will be available to children with a proven aptitude in football or any other sport or dance in which the College specialises (see the list of sports at note m). Aptitude will be assessed by the College Assessment Panel acting on behalf of the LA and undertaken by the College’s named partners Exercise Science Consulting Ltd, using an appropriate sporting aptitude test. In the event that the aggregate score of one or more students is equal to that of the student ranked 19 and equal or higher than the pass mark, the following criteria will be applied by the Assessment Panel to prioritise applications:
    1. Looked After Children and children who were Looked After but who immediately afterwards were adopted or made the subject of a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order.
    2. Children who are registered with a relevant professional club for further development.
    3. Children who are included in a National Governing Body Performance Programme or their equivalent. B) The remaining 177 places will be available to other applicants. Where the number of applications is greater than 177 the LA will use the following oversubscription criteria to prioritise applications:
    4. Looked After Children and children who were Looked After but who immediately afterwards were adopted or made the subject of a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order.
    5. Children for whom an exceptional medical or social need to attend this school is demonstrated.
    6. Children who live in our designated area, with a sibling on roll at this school when the application is made.
    7. Other children who live in our designated area, on the roll of a linked primary school.
    8. Other children who live in our designated area.
    9. Children who live outside our designated area, with a sibling on roll at this school when the application is made.
    10. Children who live outside our designated area, on the roll of a linked primary school.
    11. Children of members of staff employed for more than two years up to the point of application or recruited within the past two years to fill a vacancy for which there was a skills shortage.
    12. Other children.
  • Oversubscription Criteria 2019-20
    A) Up to 19 places (10% of the PAN of 196) will be available to children with a proven aptitude in football or any other sport or dance in which the College specialises (see the list of sports at note m). Aptitude will be assessed by the College Assessment Panel acting on behalf of the LA and undertaken by the College’s named partners Exercise Science Consulting Ltd, using an appropriate sporting aptitude test. In the event that the aggregate score of one or more students is equal to that of the student ranked 19 and equal or higher than the pass mark, the following criteria will be applied by the Assessment Panel to prioritise applications:
    1. Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order.
    2. Priority will next be given to children who are registered with a relevant professional club for further development.
    3. Priority will next be given to children who are included in a National Governing Body Performance Programme or their equivalent. B) The remaining 177 places will be available to other applicants. Where the number of applications is greater than 177 the LA will use the following oversubscription criteria to prioritise applications
      1. Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order.
      2. Priority will next be given to children based on their exceptional medical or social needs or those of a parent with evidence from a medical specialist or social worker of the child’s or parent’s need and why they must attend this school rather than any other, based on those needs.
      3. Priority will next be given to children living within the catchment area set out in the map below, who are siblings of pupils on roll at this school.
      4. Priority will next be given to children living within the catchment area, on roll at a linked school, named below.*
      5. Priority will next be given to other children living within the catchment area.
      6. Priority will next be given to children living outside the catchment area, who are siblings of pupils on roll at this school.
      7. Priority will next be given to children living outside the catchment area, on roll at a linked school, named below.
      8. Priority will next be given to children of members of staff who have been employed at this school for more than two years or recruited within the past two years to fill a vacancy for which there was a skills shortage.
      Other children. *Priority for children at a linked school only applies at the normal round, not for In-Year admissions.
  • Admissions notes
    10% of places are allocated according to a child's aptitude for sport. Children must be registered with the school to be assessed for aptitude.

Term dates


Autumn term

Spring term

Summer term

Non pupil days

Holidays / Bank holidays


Currently no published term dates for this school year.
