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Support a young person or family in your home

Shared Lives

Shared Lives is all about one household sharing their lives, families, home, interests, experience and skills with other people who need some help and support to live their life to the full.

Shared Lives is a unique type of social care service that enables people with a learning disability or mental health issues, older people, parents with a learning disability and people with dementia to get support in the ordinary homes of its approved carers.

Become a Shared Lives carer.

More videos from Shared Lives.


Supported Lodgings Scheme

Become a host family for young people who are aged 16-17 or over 18 and a care leaver. Provide a roof over a young person’s head for the night, or temporary safe home to a young person who is worried they may become homeless or who is having troubles at home. Contact Young Devon.

Find out more from Young Devon.



Nightstop provides same day emergency overnight accommodation for young homeless people, between the ages of 16-25, in the homes of volunteer hosts who have been trained and vetted.

Young people are referred to Nightstop by agencies and are risk assessed before being placed with a suitable host. Nightstop then works with the young person and other agencies to find them longer term accommodation. Become a volunteer host.

Find out more from Nightstop.

Guardian Award video:



Building a community that cares your Grandmother/mother/father/grandfather…

Assist those who want to stay in the family home and live independently for longer.

CareRooms is working with the local health and care community to provide a safe, comfortable place for people to recuperate from hospital.

Become a host. All you need is a spare bedroom or annexe with easy access to a private bathroom.

Find out more from CareRooms.


Housing refugees

Families continue to arrive when housing is ready for them. Devon County Council will need landlords who will rent properties to councils to house refugee families as and when needed.

If you are a landlord who would consider renting a property to accommodate a refugee family – or you know someone who is – please get in touch .

Find out more about landlords who can help.


Support a local family

Use Pinpoint Devon to find out what is available in your area.
