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Do you want to make a difference?

We all want to feel connected and live in a kinder community, where people look out for each other and take pride in their environment.

Well, it starts with every one of us

From small acts of kindness like looking out for a neighbour to giving your free time to support a local community project. Or from working with someone to help change their life (like fostering a child) to becoming a full on community hero and setting up your own local projects, there is something we can all do to help.

Did you know…

  • Over half of all people aged 75 and over live alone
  • One in 10 say they feel cut off and trapped in their own homes
  • Loneliness is as bad for an older person’s health as lifelong smoking and alcoholism and can increase the likelihood of degenerative illness such as Dementia

Devon is lucky to have strong and active communities and people prepared to stand up to give their time and energy to make this a better place.

This website has been put together by a partnership of local voluntary bodies, the County Council and the NHS in order to help celebrate this vital community activity and encourage many more people to get active and involved.

Whether you have a few hours to spare but don’t know how best to help or you are looking to get a project of your own off the ground this website aims to give ideas, contacts and quick access to a whole range of local volunteering and other opportunities.

So, why not show you care and do something positive today.

Together, we can make a real difference
