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Exploring new ideas and opportunities

The tools and opportunities we see will become a big part of how we deliver services in the future and how can they be used to deliver excellent experience for people in Devon.

We would like to hear your ideas!

Where do you see there being opportunities for digital technologies to be used to improve people's lives? We would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Looking to the future

Where we see digital technologies have to potential for new ways to work, support, learn and share.

Mixed and Augmented reality (MR/AR)

There is a myriad of potential uses for mixed or augmented reality when delivering public services. Some of the more exciting opportunities exist in areas such as citizen engagement and e-services, asset management and maintenance, wellness and sustainability, transportation and urban mobility and much more. Microsoft is one of our key technology partners, watch their video about mixed reality in the workplace to get a feel for the potential of these types of digital technologies.

Watch video

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are already having a huge impact on our lives. The ability for digital technologies to offer information or training that has been tailored to your specific requirements and reacts to the choices you make creates some very interesting opportunities for how we learn and adopt digital.

Home assistants and home hubs

With the emergence of smart in-home technologies like Google Home and Amazon Echo, there is a real opportunity to make learning and finding information much more accessible. Whether it’s research for a school project, learning a new language or instructions on how the use a digital device, these spoken work technologies have the potential to offer access to guidance and learning to all, even if their digital skills are limited.

Data and intelligence

Understanding where support is needed or who to offer support to allows us to target our limited resources in the right areas and for the people who need it the most. Good data and intelligence provides an insight into how communities develop and which may need our support.


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