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Our lives with COVID-19

What we heard from parents and carers

Parents and carers of children and young people in Devon told us about their experiences during lockdown. Among this group were parents and carers of children with SEND, foster carers and new and expecting mothers. Through these conversations, the following issues were highlighted as being common areas of challenge during the pandemic.

Communication and engagement

Clarity of communication has been vital for parents and carers during the lockdown. The Maternity Voices Partnership and Parent Carer Forum Devon played key roles offering information and advice and in influenced services to change how they communicated during lock down.

Service changes

Changes to the way services have been delivered during the COVID-19 lockdown have brought both opportunities and challenges for the increased engagement of parents and carers. The use of a virtual offer in addition to face to face has been helpful.  Opportunities for further engagement will be continued.

Future prospects

Parents and carers will play an important role in ensuring children and young people are able to catch-up on the education they have missed. Strengthening whole family working will support them in this by helping reduce anxieties around the return to school, early years settings and extra-curricular activities.

Vulnerable households

Many parents are facing significant pressures on their mental health, as well as on household budgets. They need to be supported in order to support their children and young people.


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